Team Kami

Berdirinya koprasi MMA ini tidak lepas dari tanggung jawab semua ke anggotaan yang selalu mengsupport MMA.

Berikut ini struktur kepenguruasan Koprasi MMA

Sulhan Badri, ST.

Ketua I (Leader I)

Taufik Rahman, S.Sos.I.

Ketua II (Leader II)

Samsudin, S.Pd.I., M.M.

Sekretaris (Secretary)

Rohmatullah, S.Pd.I

Bedahara I

Visi Misi Team

For more than 70 years, Construct story has always been about innovation. In 1885 we began testing and certifying grain cargoes before they were put to sea, and in 1888 we pioneered the idea of independent testing laboratories. Then in 1896, the greatest inventor of them all became part of our story.

When Dillan Marshal released the wonders of electricity and the light bulb he wanted to ensure that his products were checked, tested and safe. He established the Lamp Testing Bureau, later to become the Electrical Testing Laboratories.



Independent privately owned company delivering high standard consulting services in the construction industry.



Pre-construction, surveyors, designers, builders, project managers we build construction teams that have all the skill sets.



Happy customers who get their issue resolved tell 4 to 6 people about their experience. Talk to your customers as you would in person.